“Calling the movement part of a "noble" American tradition, Obama whined that Tea Partiers have simply misidentified the real culprits in Washington… And, suddenly, he says he now believes in a limited, fiscally conservative government… And people say Glenn Beck is crazy?”
This is definitely a huge change of tone, not just with himself, but with liberals and progressives all over the country. It is likely because political thinkers, pundits and politicos have never seen a phenomenon like the Tea Party and are completely baffled by it.
With Tea Party upsets in Nevada, Delaware, New Hampshire, Florida, and here at home, everyone is wondering how this is happening. Some opponents like to think this is some manufactured movement by some uber-rich people trying to run government for their own benefit. Well I have two questions for these nay-sayers; 1. Where can we get some of this huge money, supposing it exists. The Anchorage Tea Party is a bunch of people wanting to see change in their community, we literally don’t have one dollar. 2. Limiting the government isn’t where the money is, Corporate Socialism or Crony Capitalism is, so how would putting forth government shrinking candidates help you?
-Jason Cline