5 Feb 2015 - Gov. Walker Press Release on the Budget
“We’ll work to minimize state employee layoffs by eliminating vacant positions and reducing others through retirements, resignations and transfers,” Governor Walker said. “However, we are also leading by example. I cut 11 percent of my executive office through leaner staffing and operations.” Some highlights of the budget include: • Maintaining funding for front-line social workers at Office of Children’s Services • Reducing government overhead. For example, cut $6 million, which is 22 percent, from administrative functions within the Department of Administration’s budget • Meeting non-negotiable obligations. For example, covered $257 million of retirement costs. Governor Walker believes the state can strengthen private, nonprofit, tribal and federal partnerships, and provide state services with less state support while minimizing impacts on Alaska’s economy. “We’ll leverage non-state dollars,” Governor Walker said. “For example, we anticipate saving $4 million in the Department of Corrections for inmate health care due to Medicaid expansion.”