October 26, 2015In this MegaVote for Alaska's 1st Congressional District:
Recent Senate Votes
"Sanctuary Cities" -- Cloture - Vote Failed (54-45, 1 Not Voting) The Senate rejected a motion to invoke cloture on the McConnell, R-Ky., motion to proceed to the bill that would withhold federal funds from cities and jurisdictions that do not comply with certain federal immigration laws. The measure would also set sentencing requirements for individuals who repeatedly re-enter the United States illegally after deportation.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted YES Sen. Dan Sullivan voted YES
Cybersecurity Information Sharing -- Cloture - Vote Agreed to (83-14, 3 Not Voting) The Senate agreed to the McConnell, R-Ky., motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Burr, R-N.C., substitute amendment to the bill that would direct the federal government to develop procedures to facilitate information sharing, and would authorize the voluntary sharing and receipt of a cybersecurity threat and operation of defensive measures by private entities.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted YES Sen. Dan Sullivan voted YES
Recent House Votes Debt Prevention -- Passage - Vote Passed (235-194, 5 Not Voting) The House passed legislation that allows the Treasury Department, once the statutory debt limit is reached, to continue borrowing above that limit in order to pay the principal and interest on both government debt held by the public as it comes due and on obligations held by the Social Security trust fund.
Rep. Don Young voted YES
District of Columbia Opportunity Scholarship Program Reauthorization -- Passage - Vote Passed (240-191, 3 Not Voting) The House passed a bill that reauthorizes the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results program for five years, through fiscal 2021. It is a federally funded program under which eligible students in Washington, D.C., can receive vouchers to attend private schools and is the nation's only federally funded private school voucher program.
Rep. Don Young voted YES
National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production -- Passage - Vote Passed (254-177, 3 Not Voting) The House passed legislation that reclassifies certain mining operations as "infrastructure projects" in order to allow the permitting for mining on federal lands to be conducted under a streamlined permitting process created for infrastructure projects by a 2012 presidential order.
Rep. Don Young voted YES
Health Care Reconciliation -- Passage - Vote Passed (240-189, 5 Not Voting) The House passed a bill that repeals key elements of the 2010 health care overhaul law including the individual and employer mandates and the medical device and "Cadillac" taxes, and it blocks for one year federal funding for Planned Parenthood.