An Incomplete Summary of the UAA Mayoral Debate on 2 April 2015 4/3/15 The notes below reflect the viewpoint of an individual who attended the debate, and are not endorsed by the ATP at large. They are informal, and intended as a partial source of information for anyone to use as a reference.
Notes from Candidate's Opening Statements, which were limited to three minutes: * Again, these reflect some commentary from the point of view of the individual note-taker
Amy is 38, got degrees in History and Justice at UAA, plus an MBA. Sound fiscal policy must support the 3 functions of municipal government: Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Education.
Halcro is President of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. Has launched many PC initiatives like the “Live. Work. Play.” Steering Committee, Out North Theatre Board member, and the Community and Regional Affairs Committee Co-Chair. Attended both Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School (both recently infamous for the “it wasn’t supposed to affect us!” outcry about ACA fees).
Ahern left MIT, and then came to graduate from UAA. Four years of city gov’t experience. His issue is the high cost of government.
Coffey was born in ’46. All gov’t jobs count as “service." Very wealthy lawyer. Joins Teamsters, NRA, and many many PC (left) affiliations.
Berkowitz has been prosecutor, businessman, and legislator. Fiber-optic service to Kodiak, Homer, more, and Prudhoe. Former Governor and Assistant DA. Went to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Huit has been in AK since ’68. “Independent.” Small businessman: roofing and taxis. Concerned that housing costs are 50% higher on average than the rest of the country. Very tough on crime. Wants to prosecute “petty” crimes to the full extent, greatly expand police force.