Both issues remain unresolved. I will summarize where we are on both now, and what potential means for resolution exists.
1. Obamacare's 'Constitutionality' hinged largely on the law's individual 'mandate' to purchase health insurance (never mind the other 2,000 + pages). The Supreme Court's recent decision found the mandate legal as a 'TAX'. This 'mandate' defined as a TAX, sets the stage for a future Senate vote under a process called 'reconciliation'. Reconciliation is normally used to facilitate resolution on budgetary items which includes taxation. This means that Obamacare could be defeated with a simple majority vote in the Senate (51 instead of 60 votes).
Questions….what mechanism is required to make sure this gets to the floor for a vote? Because the IRS enforces the ''penalty'' for non-compliance, does this define the mandate as a tax?
2. The ''Fast and Furious'' investigation has barely begun. The House of Representatives voted to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. This authorized US Attorney Ronald Machen to bring the case against Holder before a Grand Jury. Can you guess who US Attorney Machen's boss is? (Holder). Couple this conflict with the President's assertion of executive privilege over the documents subpoenaed, and it's clear to see that we've arrived at exactly nowhere. Congress could have jailed Holder until they received the documents subpoenaed, but that action would have proved fruitless as Obama would have declared executive privilege over them, as he ultimately did. If the case continues, resolution would only be likely in the civil court arena. Holder will be protected by Obama which would include a pardon in the unlikely event that this became an option.
Questions….Where is the justice and who speaks for Agent Brian Terry and his family? If there is nothing to hide, why the hiding?
--Greg Stoddard