We asked each of the legislators to indicate whether or not they would endorse the Republican Party Primary election winner, Joe Miller, or continue to endorse Senator Murkowski’s write in candidacy.
We received only two communications from the list. Senator Kevin Meyer sent a letter both to me as well to the group verifying that his support would follow the Republican Party’s endorsement of the Republican Primary winner, Joe Miller. While Senator Murkowski’s website still carries Senator Meyer's endorsement, Senator Lesil McGuire was successful in having her endorsement pulled from the website. We cannot know for sure that it was a result of our communications, but Representatives Munoz and Johnson also were dropped from the Murkowski website.
For the seventeen other State Senators and Representatives still listed as supporting her write in candidacy, it should now be time for them to make decisions that will allow us to make decisions on their futures as well. Here is to hope that the continued endorsements are only oversights and will be remedied quickly. Fracturing of the Republican party base is not what we need as we move forward to the goal of bringing our country back to a more centrist limited government that has to adapt to living within our means. Endorsing the winner of the most heavily participated in Republican Primary in state history , the local, State and National Republican Party have sided with the majority of the voting Republicans in the state. What we are asking for is our elected officials to do the same.
We will be publishing this list up to election day. As our legislators update their status, we will reflect it on the list below. Feel free to contact your elected representatives and pressure them to take a stance. Don't know your district? For Anchorage residents go here, enter your address, select 'political' and you will be told.
As of 10/5/10
Sen. Gary Stevens District - R - still listed
Sen. Bert Stedman District -A - still listed
Sen. Charlie Huggins District -H - still listed
Sen. Lesil McGuire District -N
Sen. Kevin Meyer District -O - still listed
Sen. Tom Wagoner District -Q - still listed
Sen. Con Bunde District -P - still listed
Rep. Mike Chenault District - 34- still listed
Rep. John Harris District -12 - still listed
Rep. Kyle Johansen District -1 - still listed
Rep. Cathy Munoz District -4
Rep. Bill Thomas District -5- still listed
Rep. Jay Ramras District -10 - still listed
Rep. Anna Fairclough District -17 - still listed
Rep. Craig Johnson District -28
Rep. Charisse Millett District -30 - still listed
Rep. Mike Hawker District -32 - still listed
Rep. Paul Seaton District -35 - still listed
Rep. Alan Austerman District -36- still listed
Rep. Peggy Wilson District - 2 - still listed
-Kevin Hite