What volunteers provide to a campaign is credibility. The volunteers who wave signs at N. Lights and New Seward, Minnesota and Benson, Boniface and the Parks Highway and many places in the Valley, Fairbanks and Soldotna, not only assist the candidate in gaining name recognition, but their numbers and consistent presence adds a degree of credibility to the candidate’s image. Credibility can not be easily purchased, but throngs of volunteers assembled at numerous intersections are the one sure signal to the electorate that an individual has gained significant support, and thus deserves to be considered a credible candidate.
Indeed, Sarah Palin bolstered Joe Miller’s opportunity to succeed with an introduction, but Miller ultimately succeeded on his own merits. He alone was able to attract the necessary number of volunteers to reach a point that, as a candidate, he deserved to be considered credible in the views of the public. As soon as a candidate becomes credible then his or her probability for being victorious begins to increase at a rate consistent with the number of additional volunteers. As Joe Miller’s campaign has demonstrated, a grass roots campaign staffed with energetic and enthusiastic volunteers can lead to a 50-49 victory against an established, well funded incumbent.
Since the last few days of the primary election, the Joe Miller campaign has been under a constant barrage of assaults from the Murkowski campaign, organized political hack machines, yellow journalists from both old and new media and about one-half of the local talk radio hosts. The perseverance of the Miller Volunteers during these arduous several weeks is a testament to their character and their fidelity to their mission to elect a common sense conservative to the U.S. Senate.
The Miller Volunteers are committed to the election of an individual who shares their views regarding the purpose of government, as well as its limitations. Their opposition, which is also known of as the Left, has the Volunteers surrounded and is relentlessly lobbing diversionary concussion grenades to wear on their resolve, as well as to avoid having to compete in a civil discussion of the issues. Sen. Murkowski has already lost once on the issues, so she will avoid at all cost having to discuss them again. She and her allies’ only chance of winning rests on their ability to destroy Mr. Miller’s character, integrity and/or his credibility in the eyes of the public.
None the less, the Miller Volunteers continue to persevere “because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans;” at least to those Americans who have come to be known as the Miller Volunteers. When the grandchildren of the Miller Volunteers ask, "What did you do to stop the advance of BIG GOVERNMENT and SOCIALISM?, they won't have to say, "Well... I shoveled shit in Louisiana." They can proudly say, “I was in the Tea Party and a Miller Volunteer.”
During the Battle of the Bulge the Germans sent a captain to demand the surrender of Gen. Tony McAuliffe. His reply to the Germans read, "To the German Commander, "Nuts!" The American Commander." As the messenger was escorted out of town by an American officer this is what he was told, "If you don't know what 'Nuts' means, in plain English it is the same as 'Go to Hell'.
So ladies and gentlemen, fellow patriots and TeaPartiers, many of whom are Miller Volunteers; here is what I have to say to the liberal talk show hosts; NUTS. Here is what I say to the Anchorage Daily Liar; NUTS. Here is what I have to say to all of those who think they have us surrounded; NUTS.
But to the Alaska Dispatch I say, GO TO HELL.
We can not be beat on the issues. The only thing they can do is demoralize us and persuade us to quit.
To the Left, Nuts! The Right.
-Ric Koller, a Miller Volunteer and TeaPartier