Seems however, that Lady Lisa and her court has determined that somehow the primary election was only a preliminary fight, and The Lady was going to be in the title fight regardless of the scores posted during the primary election.
If only the senator had demonstrated such vigor over the previous eight years against the real enemies of the state, the liberals and the compassionate conservatives, maybe she would not have lost to a relatively unknown challenger. But Lady Lisa did not mount a campaign against anyone; not in the previous eight years, or in the last few months. In the case of the former, Lady Lisa was entirely comfortable with the company she kept, as well as their big government, nanny state philosophy.
In the latter case, Lady Lisa underestimated the challenge and rested on her laurels as if to say that this guy can’t touch me because I am Lady Lisa, an Alaska Senator for Life. Lady Lisa promoted herself as too busy attending to the important affairs of the state in Washington to actually engage with her unknown challenger. To debate him, or even recognize his authenticity as a candidate, was beneath the senior senator’s status. To even entertain the thought of recognizing a challenger was as untenable to her court as it was to her.
Lady Lisa expected Alaskans to give her their high marks for standing firm against the Obama administration and the Pelosi-Reed congress over the past year or so, and at the same time simply forget the fact that she actively participated in producing the environment in Washington that lead to the Democrats gaining overwhelming majorities in both houses, and occupying the Oval Office to begin with.
So, now that Lady Lisa is loaded for bear to retain possession of our seat, contrary to our recent judgment, maybe, just maybe we will see the fighting skills that we should have been witness to for the better part of the last decade. Consequently, if she does win as a write-in candidate, at least we will know that Lady Lisa is very much capable of engaging with the enemy, and every bit a Mama Grizzly when it comes to protecting our liberty as would be expected, if only we have convinced her that it is our liberty we want her to protect.
Unfortunately, it does not appear as though our liberty is the primary motivation for the Lady’s refusal to go quietly into the night and fight another day. If it were, she would not be so recalcitrant. She would have joined with the Party Chair in support of the primary winner, Mr. Miller, and started to prepare for another title fight against our common enemy, the junior senator from Alaska. One and one half million dollars in the bank would be a good start against the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee, and taking back Ted’s seat would have been a much easier mission for a Murkowski—even a liberal Murkowski.
That is, if Sen. Begich is in fact our common enemy, and not “My (Lady Lisa’s) good friend from the other side of the isle,” where the other side of the isle is nothing more than a place in the room rather than a contrasting philosophical position.
-Richard Koller