Here are some reasons why I don’t oppose a wave of 10,000 Syrian immigrants seeking refuge:
- They’re the people trying to get away from the bad guys, and war.
- It’s a small number.
- They are seeking legal immigration status.
- “Vetting” should not be an issue. Here’s why:
- ISIS is already here, quite possibly in larger numbers (based on WAG’s by “experts” who estimate that 1% of the refugees are ISIS members/supporters trying to sneak in, based on what little vetting process we have).
- A couple of years ago, ISIS made a huge effort to infiltrate among a huge wave of illegal immigrants supposedly from Central America and mostly comprised of children. That is, I think they have a much better way of sneaking in.
- Many European countries have policies that tolerate ISIS and terrorists among their populations. (France, the UK, Belgium and Greece to name a few.) We do not. In fact, Joe Miller, as a Libertarian, is a strong reminder that the pendulum has swung so far the other way. The PATRIOT Act is unconstitutional, and many other laws and ongoing operations are underway that are unprecedented violations of our civil liberties. And we’ve been living with them all because they’re all in place to find and stop terrorists that are already here.
- The “experts” say the vetting process is terrible. Why not work on improving it? We have many good immigration programs, like those that import educated people.
- They’re already here - in larger numbers.
- Why do we hate Syrians so much more than Mexicans? It makes no sense.
- This “No Syrians” opinion is entirely based on fear. Fear is the very best tool that corrupt politicians have and use. And inspiring mass fear is the definition of terrorism - it’s a huge victory for ISIS.
- We are a Nation of Immigrants, who proactively say “Give us your poor, your sick, your weary….” It is who we are.
Having said all that, I want to say something that will sound terrible - bigoted, and like I’m back-pedaling. But I think I’m right, and if we could acknowledge this truth and do something about it, it would be a huge step in the right direction of improving America. Historically, our immigrants came from northern Europe for a long time, and they formed the foundation of American Culture. (Judeo-Christian ethics, etc.) Then immigrants began to come from Asia and the other Americas more. Of course, we have a few from Africa. Now, I rarely see American Culture, or see it celebrated. I think American Culture is the very best. I love all the good things that have come into American Culture from far away lands! Recognizing man’s inherent right to self-determination and creating a government based on that principle created a place where humans have accomplished unimaginable feats. Now, it’s important to be ashamed of being American: ashamed to have had slavery, ashamed of corporate corruption, ashamed of ignorance of other cultures. Now, America is a crude, un-educated, darker-skinned miss-mash of people with no ambition to be anything but moochers, because they brought their cultures with them, and their cultures are now over-running American Culture of 100 years ago. A hundred years ago, America was a culture of character and integrity. Now it is a culture of personality - like high school, it’s only important to be popular.
So I think we should reform immigration by securing the border first, and then
- to allow very, very limited amnesty,
- deport all the illegal immigrants (it’s a lot cheaper than keeping them here!), felons first!
- make them go to the back of the line through a legal process,
- improve existing programs to get the kind of immigrants we want (whether educated, or poor, weary, and willing to work),
- improve legal surveillance of the terrorists that are here, and,
- perhaps most importantly, enhance and require assimilation into American Culture.
"Those Who Don't Know History Are Doomed To Repeat It"