We are hereby calling for a flashmob! Let's show Obama that we do not appreciate having Obamacare shoved down our throats. Let's celebrate what we hope will be a decision by SCOTUS to declare Obamacare unconstitutional! If the decision is the opposite, then our rally will become a protest. Either way, it's on!
Rally/Protest, Thursday, 6-28, 4 to 6pm, Anchorage Town Square (next to PAC)
Feel free to bring signs and flags--and pass this information on to everyone you know who cares about liberty!
If you can't come and participate, then drive by and give us a good long honk! Drive around the block and do it again!
If for some reason the decision is NOT announced on Thursday 6/28, then the rally will instead be held same place, same time on whatever date the decision is announced. Let's do this!
Payroll $unlight
Transparency in government has come to Anchorage (and the MatSu) by way of a great new tool. The Alaska Policy Forum has made it very easy to see and navigate through the salaries and benefits of many public employees. See data for employees of the Anchorage Municipality, Anchorage School District, and the Mat-Su Borough--your taxpayer dollars. Check it out!
Bring School Choice to Alaska
Put the free market back into education in Alaska. The Anchorage Tea Party supports HB145, HJR16 and SB106. Learn more here and help us push through this important legislation in 2012.